Sunday, November 20, 2011

Goodbye Murmur, Happy Birthday Industrial Strength

Murmur is slated to be torn down. This site has a long and contentious history. Starting as Murphy Metals in the 1930's, this complex was a lead smelter that dispersed toxic smog over a thirteen block area. It changed names to RSR Corporation in the 1960's and was finally shut down in 1985. Lead levels were 36 times over what was considered safe. Citizens sued the City of Dallas and Dallas sued the manufacturer and the people of the neighborhood finally received a $20 million dollar settlement.

The are was turned into a Superfund Redevelopment area in 1995 and in 2007, the area was considered clean enough to redevelop. When I was there last week, there were people on the site and all the weeds and graffiti were gone and things were happening. I loved taking pictures of the old buildings but I hope that now good things can happen on this piece of land instead of bad things.

And exactly one year ago today, I started Industrial Strength. I've had fun doing this!


  1. happy birthday to industrial strength! one year strong, hopefully one of many more to come.
    i really like this photo sequence, the history behind the images...and what an odd name "murmur", very intriguing.

  2. Thank you Stephanie! I love the irony of the name too, I have several pictures of the sign, but they're not great pictures.

    I originally wanted this to be a site for old industrial areas that I so love to photograph, but it has evolved into nature stuff too and I'm pretty ok with it. I guess I can do both.
